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Preventive Services

Medical Assessment


One of the best ways to keep your pet healthy is to have him/her checked, at least once per year. The routine of having your pet visit the Doctor once a year allows us to keep ahead of any underlying ailments that might arise later in life. Also, we love seeing our clients and patients and hearing about your families.

Here’s what a Medical Assessment involves:

A complete medical assessment begins with a thorough physical examination whereby your pet’s eyes, ears, skin, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, and skeletal system are examined for abnormalities. Blood tests can be performed as necessary to assess the proper functioning of your pet’s kidneys, liver, pancreas, and endocrine system including the thyroid and adrenal glands. Urine tests can detect similar problems. Depending on your pet’s condition, we may recommend further diagnostic tests such as radiography (X-rays), endoscopy (internal scoping), ultrasound, or surgery.

Canine Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation is an invaluable tool in veterinary medicine as it can greatly improve your pet’s quality of life by ensuring they stay active and mobile for as long as possible. It involves using manual therapies and home exercises to help build and maintain muscle mass, as well as, improve flexibility. Rehabilitation is beneficial in pets after orthopedic surgery, pets with reduced mobility and muscle loss from arthritis and for certain neurological conditions. We can help you determine if rehabilitation is right for your pet.

Parasite protection is something every pet owner should know about. Parasites can cause your pet to suffer with everything from diarrhea and hair loss to anemia. If left untreated, parasites can develop into a very serious health concern for your pet. Some parasites can also be transmitted from pets to people. This type of parasite is called “zoonotic”. We offer a wide variety of safe and effective preventive options to protect both your pet and your home form parasites.

Intestinal Parasites


Hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm are just a few of the damaging intestinal parasites that can threaten your pet’s health. Often, you will see no symptoms that your pet may have a parasite infestation until it becomes a very serious medical concern. Additionally, some of these parasites can also be transmitted from pets to humans. We recommend that all pets have a stool sample microscopically examined once a year. When a stool sample is looked at under a microscope, we are looking for the parasite’s eggs that are shed into the feces of your pet. Puppies and kittens should have multiple stool samples checked and will likely be given de-worming medication as they are at a higher risk for infection. If you have a concern with a specific parasite, please refer to our Pet Health library for more information.

People should practice good hygiene and use common sense to minimize exposure to “zoonotic” parasites. Dispose of your pet’s fecal matter properly, encourage children to wash their hands after playing, wear shoes when in public parks, and keep the sandbox covered to prevent both domesticated and wild animals from defecating in it.


Flea Prevention and Control


Fleas are one of the most common and irritating parasites affecting cats and dogs. A flea problem on your pet often means a flea problem in your home. Adult fleas must bite your pet to feed on blood in order to lay eggs. Once a flea bites your pet they exchange your pet’s blood for an irritating substance that can cause itching, scratching and skin irritation. The flea eggs can drop from your pet to the ground or carpet where they eventually develop into adult fleas. Understanding the flea life cycle and methods for its control can be a daunting task. We will gladly assist you in this process. We can provide you with safe, effective flea prevention and if necessary, flea treatment. See the flea article in the Pet Health Library of our site for more information.

Heartworm Diagram

Canine Heartworm Disease


Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. When a dog already infected with heartworm is bitten, the mosquito takes up the immature worms (microfilariae), as well as blood. The worms grow into infective larvae and are transmitted to other dogs by the infective mosquito. The larvae develop within tissues and begin migration to the heart. Once inside the dog’s heart the worms grow and can cause significant damage to the heart & lungs. If left untreated, heartworm disease can result in death and physical signs of heartworm disease do not become apparent until the disease is already advanced.

You can prevent heartworm disease by simple, routine blood testing and preventive medications that are recommended during the mosquito season (from spring to fall). Remember if you travel south during the winter, your dog may need to be on heartworm prevention year round.

Please contact our office for further information on heartworm disease, or refer the heartworm information found in the Pet Health section of our website.

Tick on a Leaf

Tick Prevention


Ticks are becoming more and more prevalent in North America, and they’re now being found in areas where people and pets didn’t previously encounter ticks. These parasites aren’t just a nuisance; they can cause serious—and sometimes deadly—diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and tick paralysis. Contact us immediately if your pet starts coughing or has joint pain, trouble breathing, fever, weakness, or loss of appetite, weight, energy, or coordination.

The best method for keeping ticks off your pet is by keeping your dog or cat on a tick preventive. Even indoor-only pets are at risk because ticks can hitch a ride inside on your clothing or shoes. Tick preventives are safe and highly effective at controlling ticks and the diseases they carry. Call us to get your pet protected today!

Don’t panic if you find a tick on your dog or cat, even if your pet is on a preventive. Some preventives kill ticks after they’ve come in contact with your pet. Ticks can hide easily under your pet’s fur, so as an added measure of protection, we recommend checking your pet for ticks every time your pet comes in from outside. And don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you might have.